You got caught stealing. Use your talents to survive the following confrontation, or don't.
WASD: move and dodge
CTRL: sneak
MOUSE: interact
Dodge the knight's attack to the opposite side and follow up with sneak and pickpocket by clicking on the knight. You need to be fast or you get the boot.
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The timing is almost comically hard to get down, but it's fun and I like it
Wanted the player to fail a couple of times to show the bad end screens. But yeah, should be easy to increase the time window. Glad it didn’t spoil the fun hehe. Thanks for playing and commenting!
I'm glad that you added that hint section, since it's pretty hard to know what to do without hints. But, once you get the hang of it, it's not too hard to finish the game.
The art is definitely good, and I like that you get more control over the order in which you strip her. Although, I would've preferred it if you were able to have some more control over it in the later half of the stripping process, like being able to strip the legs fully before getting her down to her underwear. I do kinda wish that she'd get wetter each time you "pickpocketed" her after she got totally nude, to show what it's doing, since that flinch animation is pretty non-noticeable. Also, the defeat scene is very fun, it getting more messy each time you get caught is a nice touch.
My one complaint is that the animation for the left attack changes when the sword is removed. Which makes sense, logically speaking, but it does make it a bit harder to distinguish between the two attacks she's going to do. And, of course, that I wish there was more of it.
Glad you like the art! Half of dev time went into drawing, rigging and animating her.
The strip order is based on the order armor is dressed in, according to one video. Not an expert on the subject by any means, but each the layer is supposed to guard the lower one, like the skirt covering the leg armor. Thought it’d be a neat detail, but I could scratch it if it’s annoying.
The “pickpocket” after nude and the animations were a bit half assed I admit. Was starting to run out of steam in the end, just wanted to finish the thing. A bit more juice could help. Had an original idea you would sneak in a cursed ring on her, that’s why she’s a bit overdramatic in the winning picture haha. But “pickpocket” was easier and faster so just ran with it.
Hmm tried to make the animations more distinguishable from each other, the originals were pretty similar with even less windup. Kinda find hard pushing the animations further without breaking the model, could have tried some blendshapes, but didn’t want to complicate it more with the time I had.
Thanks for commenting! You always give great feedback!
Yeah, I figured a lot of the flaws I spotted were due to the time crunch of making a jam project. Of course, considering that limitation, the game is great. I always try to make my critiques without taking that sort of thing into account, so that if the dev wants to expand upon the game later, they can. Which, btw, I hope you do, in one way or another.
The undress order thing was a pretty minor complaint, so it's perfectly fine if there's an actual reason to it. It just seemed to me like, given the way the armor visually looked, it could be taken off differently.
And it's very possible that the attack animation thing is entirely a me-problem. It probably wouldn't have been so much of a sticking point for me if there were in-game tutorials for the rest of the stuff, since it was mostly confusing for me before I looked at the hint section.
Like I said you give lovely feedback and phrase it well.
The skirt and chest piece could be swapped or let the player choose the order and undies could be split in two, but both would have required a bit of refactoring and/or modelling so just settled for this.
The animations look similar, but after seeing them more, and of course making them, I can tell them apart pretty well. But they could absolutely have more windup at least, just ran out of fuel with that too.
A tutorial could be pretty good, but went for a bit of a dark souls vibe and wanted the player figure it out. But it’s absolutely not everyone’s cup of tea, and I probably would give the same feedback, hence the hint. There’s not much gameplay other that figuring out how it works, so didn’t want to spoil it right away with in-game tutorial. Hmm, maybe I’ll make hint button for the bad end screens.
Dunno if I update this much, the code is so depressingly bad I’ll need to refactor a lot. But I had planned that stripping would somehow affect the attacks or movement, and that cursed ring thing, and sounds of course. Lots to improve on, but revisiting Hypnothick to update it first.
Yeah, that's very fair. I'll definitely look forward to a Hypnothick update in the future, that game is great.
good and funny game :)
Hehe, glad you liked it!